Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spooky Weird Thrills #2 Page

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
More Sleepy Hollow

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sensation Comics #1

A Day at the Races

Here's a preliminary sketch of a page by Tim Durning from the upcoming Powerpop Comics Classics adaptation of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
Tim's an amazing artist. I love the way he handles the lighting effects. I also love how he draws horses.
We are nearing the climactic chase scene, and I can't wait to see it.
When you think about it, comics and horse-chases just go together.
Comics excel at depicting the movement of physical bodies in space. That's why superheroes and slapstick both work so well in the form.
Horses are these beautiful, athletic, well-muscled creatures with enormous physical grace and power--nature's superheroes, if you will.
If I accomplish nothing else with Powerpop Comics, at least I managed to bring back the classical horse-chase scene. Comics needs more horse-chases!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Here are some after pictures of my newly rearranged comics library. Not only am I able to access the books, I can now shelve them vertically, rather than horizontally.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring Cleaning
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

He said this to me, in a dream; so take it with a grain of salt. Still, even as a figment of my own sleeping mind, when an artist of Borges' stature makes such a pronouncement, I take it seriously.
Dreams are certainly powerful and inscrutable psychic mechanisms of some sort. Think of how "Across the Universe" came to Lennon and "Scrambled Eggs"* to McCartney in dreams. Or the visionary fragment of "Kubla Khan" that Coleridge was able to snatch from a dream. I'm sure the night-mind has spawned countless works of art over the ages.
I think the content of comics has always reflected this. You have this improvised gallery of gods and demiurges, tricksters, monsters and grotesqueries of all kinds, seeming sprung fully formed from the collective unconscious. I mean--Superman! What could be more mythic and elemental than that?
*I insist upon using the original title for the tune to honor the composer's unconscious intentions. Besides, I think if you really analyze the song, it is about scrambled eggs after all.